Steps to Overcoming Teenage Anger
Everyone feels low from time to time, so it’s not always easy to know when it is part-and-parcel of daily life, and when it’s time to seek help. In most cases, it is short-term and self-correcting, but for a significant minority this is not the case. For those individuals, it is important to seek treatment just as you would any other health condition. Here we discuss six warning signs which,...
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Invio dei dati al Sistema Tessera Sanitaria prorogato all’8 febbraio 2018
A poche ore dalla scadenza del termine per l’invio dei dati al Sistema TS delle spese sanitarie sostenute nell’anno 2017, l’Agenzia delle Entrate ha annunciato che ci saranno a disposizione otto giorni in più per effettuare l’adempimento.
Per venire incontro alle esigenze dei rappresentanti delle categorie tenute all’invio, il termine, originariamente...
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Am I Depressed? 6 Signs You Should Know About
Everyone feels low from time to time, so it’s not always easy to know when it is part-and-parcel of daily life, and when it’s time to seek help. In most cases, it is short-term and self-correcting, but for a significant minority this is not the case. For those individuals, it is important to seek treatment just as you would any other health condition. Here we discuss six warning signs which,...
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How to Talk About Your Mental Health
Everyone feels low from time to time, so it’s not always easy to know when it is part-and-parcel of daily life, and when it’s time to seek help. In most cases, it is short-term and self-correcting, but for a significant minority this is not the case. For those individuals, it is important to seek treatment just as you would any other health condition. Here we discuss six warning signs which,...
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Antidepressant Medications: What are they?
Everyone feels low from time to time, so it’s not always easy to know when it is part-and-parcel of daily life, and when it’s time to seek help. In most cases, it is short-term and self-correcting, but for a significant minority this is not the case. For those individuals, it is important to seek treatment just as you would any other health condition. Here we discuss six warning signs which,...
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Quota anno 2018
Il versamento dovrà essere effettuato entro il 28 febbraio 2018 e
il pagamento oltre il quindicesimo giorno successivo alla suddetta
scadenza comporterà l’applicazione di una sovrattassa il cui importo è
determinato in € 12,88 per gli iscritti che effettueranno il pagamento
entro il 31 dicembre 2018 compreso, e in € 25,77 per gli iscritti che...
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In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.
- Robert Frost
Depression: Which Therapy is Right for Me?
Everyone feels low from time to time, so it’s not always easy to know when it is part-and-parcel of daily life, and when it’s time to seek help. In most cases, it is short-term and...
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How Music Affects Our Subconscious
Everyone feels low from time to time, so it’s not always easy to know when it is part-and-parcel of daily life, and when it’s time to seek help. In most cases, it is short-term and...
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Depression: Not Just for Girls?
Everyone feels low from time to time, so it’s not always easy to know when it is part-and-parcel of daily life, and when it’s time to seek help. In most cases, it is short-term and self-correcting, but for a significant minority this is not the case. For those individuals, it is important to seek treatment just as you would any other health condition. Here we discuss six warning signs which,...
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Which is better, dogs or cats?
Everyone feels low from time to time, so it’s not always easy to know when it is part-and-parcel of daily life, and when it’s time to seek help. In most cases, it is short-term and...
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