During this COVID-19 public health emergency, Training Directors are seismically shifting the ways that their practicum students, interns, and fellows treat patients, receive supervision, and develop professional competencies. APPIC, in collaboration with APA, hosted a virtual panel discussion on April 1, 2020 to help Training Directors problem-solve unexpected training situations. In this hour, learn how your colleagues in diverse settings are prioritizing trainee and patient safety, and how to carry out quality training during unpredictable times. Substantial Q&A followed the panel of presenters, who included; Dr. Claytie Davis III (APPIC Chair), Dr. Jeff Baker (APPIC Executive Director), Dr. Cathi Grus (APA Chief Education Officer), Dr. Allison Aosved (APPIC Vice Chair/Panel Moderator), Dr. Sharon Berry (Pediatrics), Dr. Carmen Cruz (University Counseling Center), Dr. Jeanette Hsu (VA), Dr. Wayne Siegel (VA), and Dr. Shona Vas (APPIC Secretary/Academic Medical Center).